Archive for the Uncategorized Category


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on July 20, 2008 by airtightnoodle

FYI:  I am going to be out of town for the next several days.  It may be a while before I can approve comments, etc. 

Hope for those super-literalists, or those that only read the KJV

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 1, 2008 by airtightnoodle

Almost everyone has come across a SUPER literalist student of the bible.  Or maybe you’ve come across someone who insists the only bible we should use is the King James version because it’s “authorized”. 

Well, they may be on to something.

As many people are aware, the King James version mentions “unicorns” several times.  Now, most people would jump to the conclusion that of course the word “unicorn” isn’t meant to indicate the mythological beast depicted in medieval tapestries, the beast that children of the 80’s cheered for as it drove the red bull into the sea, and so on.The Last Unicorn

Most would probably assume the word “unicorn” was meant to represent some other animal that had one horn, or perhaps looked as if it had one horn from the side.  Perhaps a wild ox, of some sort.

Ah, but not so fast!

Just recently a unicorn was discovered, and not in some remote place rarely traveled by the civilized world.

It was found in Italy.

So, without further ado, I present to you…the unicorn!

 Deer with one horn

Cute, isn’t it?

Venting about judging

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on June 28, 2008 by airtightnoodle

So often one reads (or hears first-hand) cutting remarks against Christians. These usually deal with how judgmental Christians can be, how they should stop proselytizing and mind their own business, how hypocritical they are, etc.

Of course, sadly, Christians often bring this on themselves. Christians CAN be judgmental. Christians CAN be nosey and hypocritical. Why should this come as any surprise? We’re humans. We’re sinful. We’re not perfect.

That being the case, I’m still a little irked at some of the comments I’ve received since starting this blog, either via the blog itself or via email (how some of these people have even gotten my email address, I’m just not sure).

I’ve been referred to as an atheist, a former “Christian” (yes, once even in quotes–insinuating maybe I wasn’t really a TRUE Christian before and definitely insinuating I’m not a Christian NOW), etc. I’ve been told I don’t know what creationists teach, what intelligent design really means, that evolution is of the devil, etc.

I haven’t had anyone tell me they are praying for me and/or my lost soul yet, though. When I do I might celebrate, because I think that probably counts as some sort of milestone.

Have any of these people taken the time to look at some of my past posts or taken the time to ask me personally just exactly what my religious beliefs are? If so, surely these people would have seen this (emphasis added in bold):

To sum up some of my beliefs (some of which are not static, mind you), I’m a conservative Christian with a degree in Biology who sees no problem in using and accepting current scientific theories (as in, evolution) and adhering to a system of faith. As a high school Biology teacher, I also have a strong interest in the state of education in America, especially regarding the teaching of science.

To quote Servant from Servant’s Thoughts:

I also take the Bible very seriously and believe everything it says. I also don’t doubt God. I affirm the Nicene Creed and hold to what most would consider to be an orthodox Christian belief. I am a card carrying, Sunday attending, Bible reading, praying, crispy Christian. The devil has not taken over my mind.

The same applies to me.

Now, I am as guilty of being judgmental as the next person. But personally, I’ve just had it up to here this week with some comments on my blog, other blogs, email, family members, etc., and thus I feel the need to vent. Stop judging someone’s standing with the Lord based on something that really has nothing to do with what Jesus did on the cross. Jesus and I are A-ok with each other at the moment; at least, we are as ok as Him and the next Christian.

I may not agree with you on how God created. I may not agree with you on the sacraments. I may not agree with you about praying to saints, when someone should be baptized, what speaking in tongues really refers to, when or if the rapture will occur, etc. If my viewpoints on those issues differ from yours and you choose to conclude that I can’t possibly be a Christian, then go ahead. The Father knows where I stand, and that is what is ultimately important. But keep this in mind: that sort of attitude when displayed toward non-believers will only serve to push them further away from Christianity. And what a shame that is.

Ok.  Venting done.  🙂

First blog

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on March 17, 2008 by airtightnoodle

The time has come for me to blog.  I’ve avoided it for quite some time, but my thoughts and opinions on various matters (some important, some not-so-important) are now itching to get out. 

I consider myself to be pretty conservative.  In many ways, I’m a typical Texan.  I was born and raised in the Houston area to fairly conservative, Christian parents (though my father is somewhat of a reformed hippie).  I’ve always been rather opinionated and have always enjoyed expressing myself through writing.  However, I avoided the blogging world for many reasons, primarily due to the issue of privacy (i.e., do I really want my private thoughts read by strangers in cyberspace?).  That is, until I came across the following:

 Expelled–Ben Stein’s quest to debunk what he calls “Big Science”

I guess some might call  me confused.  To sum up some of my beliefs (some of which are not static, mind you), I’m a conservative Christian with a degree in Biology who sees no problem in using and accepting current scientific theories (as in, evolution) and adhering to a system of faith.  As a high school Biology teacher, I also have a strong interest in the state of education in America, especially regarding the teaching of science.

Strange to some, I’m sure.  I’ll admit that my primary reason for starting this blog is purely selfish–I tend to think more clearly by writing things down, and I hope that by writing this blog I’ll be able to settle some of my own unresolved beliefs/opinions/issues that bother me or that I don’t have a clear stance on.  It is my secondary hope that others may find this useful, educational, or at least mildly amusing. 

 So read along if you so choose!  Happy blogging to you!

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